Experlab proposes cognitive and “free of charge” assessments to verify the health of HFM applications (Hyperion Financial Management) on premise and whose use does not cross the functional needs of the area Finance.
The causes could be some of the following:
- Obsolete release application;
- Original implementation project not completed;
- Mistrust users in the system/absence of training sessions and “on the job”;
- Lame interface to source systems;
- Incomplete or inappropriate Reporting book towards statutory and/or managerial functional requirements.
The choice of revitalization of the application and of the information process could go in two directions:
- Functional analysis for HFM reactivation and critical resolution;
- Functional Analysis for #FCCS migration (Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Service).
The proposal is addressed both to the management control and to the information systems of companies that have in house an HFM installed.